About me

A little bit about me, my working activities, intelectual production and random thoughts!



I am currently an associate professor at the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais, where I have been teaching applied geography to Social Sciences, transportation geography, urban analytics, data analysis for management, and urban logistics courses since 2006. After concluding my doctorate in Geography in 2016, I have been involved in research projects focusing on geocomputation to implement spatial analysis methods to characterize, explain and assess urban and regional planning, city logistics solutions, and accessibility-oriented planning.

Some of the research projects I have worked in concern:

I have just concluded a post-doctoral research with the City Logistics Chair and under the orientation of Prof. Dr. Laetitia Dablanc. My role as a postdoctoral researcher concerned investigating warehouses’ location changes in different metropolitan areas and their relationship with the urban structure and real estate market practices.

I’m also a researcher at the PLACES - PLanning for ACcESs research group with a focus on accessibility oriented planning, Urban Freight Transportation and applied spatial analysis. I’m a member of the Network on Intelligent Urban Mobility and Accessibility Research (NIUMAR) and of the Network for Organizational Studies, Society and Subjectivity (NOSS).


GIS and spatial analysis software (ArcGIS, QGIS, GeoDa, Maptitude, Transcad, Mapinfo)
Data Analysis and Geocomputation with R
Effective team-working
Comprehensive understanding of problem-solving and decision making
Mindful parenting


Portuguese: Native
English: Proficient (C2)
French: Intermediate (B1)

Funding and Prizes

Productivity research grant - CNPq

National Council for Scientific and Technological Research

Brasília, Brazil

2019 - 2022

Grant number: 312750/2018-8

One of the best Papers presented at PLURIS 2018

Publication in Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais as a prize for being among the 12 best papers presented in PLURIS 2018 (Congresso Luso-Brasileiro para o Planejamento Urbano, Regional, Integrado e Sustentável).

Lisbon, Portugal


Honored lecturer

Honored lecturer for nine years in the different educational institutions.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Since 2003


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